Sunday, May 2, 2021

a great post from Speculum Criticum Traditionis


"An Argument for Esotericism," HERE.  It's been awhile since I've been in touch with Bryan but when I do visit his blog from time to time I'm not disappointed.  When it comes to the political - academic or otherwise - I've always appreciated his thoughtfulness when it comes to slow and careful reasoned reflective analysis.  I appreciate in this post which I'm linking the Plato reference, as that is something I'd more than likely start off with as well! 

Hope all is well Bryan. He and I co-authored an entry on Justus Buchler for my "Philosopher Profile" posts here at After Nature some years ago (see HERE and HERE); even just recently I've been contracted to write a chapter on Buchler for a forthcoming volume on his work. So working with Bryan has been helpful even many years later.