"On methodology. The necessity of the eye’s search for twilight. The sunset rises elsewhere. Characterologically: one is an optimist or a pessimist. Optimism can also change, through radiation..."
"What is “world revolution”? The visible changes are preceded by the less visible, and also the invisible. Already, technology is rising from great depths as a modus vivendi. Mental change prevails over technical, technical over political, and political over strategic. A war can be won politically, before it has begun."
"Winning and losing lie in the unexpected moves. For this reason alone, one must not lose faith too soon, not even in matters of power."
"A system is already shaken by the evidence that it can be viewed from a different angle – that there are other systems. The new approach shows that the belief, which founds all knowledge, is not yet sufficient and that the search must be continued. The cosmos must not become overpowering; it must deepen to the extent that it grows."
"The best point of view is that of the outsider. He who depicts must be inside and outside at the same time. This is made possible by differences of origin...and creates not only the opposing positions between the figures – according to one direction, usually both....He [the Outsider; the Anarch] has the misfortune of being a little less afraid than the others; one who has sung in the fire and comes up with things you don’t want to know."
"Where stupidity reaches degrees that become incomprehensible and exclude conversation, its significance as a phenomenon grows...demonologically....[I]t is to be assumed that very strong powers become active...The same applies to the dwindling of the metaphysical faculty. A loss within the historical landscape remains relative within the larger contexts – the universe is a house that loses nothing. One does not have to hold the place, one has to hold the bench."
"Acceleration is compressed, anticipated time. It heralds long states of rest, pauses in creation."
"The violence of a storm can be anticipated like a foehn or an earthquake. The phenomena are surprising – the avalanches, the covered houses, the spring floods. This does not preclude their underlying meaning from being heard more clearly in the overture. It gives the preliminary forms of the images, the abundance of which confuses in the upwellings."