Saturday, October 27, 2018

After Nature Korean World Tour

If anyone is in Seoul, Korea I'll be delivering two talks Wednesday and Thursday at Yonsei University, or if you're an After Nature reader and want to meet, please feel free to send an email. The first talk is entitled "The Sorrow of Being" and the second is on bleak theology, the latter being a debate of some sort in front of what is expected to be a rather large audience. - Below is a view from downtown Seoul last evening. -

I have quite a few thoughts on Seoul but will save them for a future post. Let's just say a Nick Land assessment is in order. (Certainly different from Japan's vibe, that's for sure. My time at Kyoto University two years ago was incomparable to this. We're talking accelerationism and hyper-capitalism unleashed... and I don't think either Japan or Hong Kong could ever catch up.)