Friday, June 6, 2014

The Barbarian Principle: Merleau-Ponty, Schelling, and the Question of Nature (NDPR review)

HERE.  The question of nature is the organizing theme of this book - and incidentally - such a theme, or topic, is on the up and up with Merleau-Ponty scholars and Schelling scholars alike.  (See the NASS "Schelling in the Anthropocene: Thinking Beyond the Annihilation of Nature HERE for example.)

Considering that "the philosophy of nature" is really the core of my own philosophical project, whether when I'm studying philosophical ecology, animals and their emotions, bio and ecosemiotics, environmental philosophy and its relationship to the philosophy of religion, or even the "metaphysics of nature" - through logic, phenomenology, or philosophical cosmology -the concept of nature is always there framing what I'm working on.  So this volume was especially interesting for me, and timely, too, considering that right now we are going to be running The Philosophy of Organism reading group in July and the Metaphysics of Animal Rights reading group in August.

Definitely something to pick up along with the new Foti book (HERE).

I've also posted about The Barbarian Principle before HERE and HERE.