Thursday, August 18, 2022

Podcast: William Desmond and The Excess of Being with Steve Knepper

William Desmond and The Excess of Being with Steve Knepper
Hermitix Podcast

Steven E. Knepper is Associate Professor in the Department of English,  Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies at the Virginia Military Institute. In  this episode we discuss his book Wonder Strikes: Approaching Aesthetics  and Literature with William Desmond, alongside discussions on being,  God, grace, prayer, silence and more...   


The book:  ---  

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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Thoreau on Solitude, Sympathy, and the Salve for Melancholy

Beautiful write-up replete with enchanting illustrations and some interesting historical photos. I used to yearly visit Maine summers and would often read the Transcendentalists as part of my healing nature-worship. My love for Thoreau, Emerson, first ignited in graduate school Ph.D. in a seminar simply titled "Transcendentalism" run by Doug Anderson. It was also in that seminar where I first encountered the Fruhromantik and Naturphilosophie influences amongst the Concord-Jena philosophers, Schelling being among them.