Wednesday, May 8, 2024

15 Years of Speculative Realism

To the gatekeepers: Now I am on your level. No, actually... I've climbed over you. Some objects never die. (Enlarge and examine image in this post.)  Thanks to Charlie for including me in this and walking right past the gatekeepers.  A truly good guy for doing that.

Some links, a blast from the past

Veiled Communication, Acceptable Because Maybe It's Not You

To the ex-friend who betrayed me and took the other side to advance his career: Where's your blog? Look at mine.  Again, some objects never die. I'm still here. It's the difference between the few and the rare, those who are "True," and those who eventually will despise themselves - posers, charlatans, the pathetic self-serving careerists. 

So this to all of the "OO_" movement, including my ex-friend (and don't forget T, betrayal hurts. It's unforgiveable, I've learned. There is still pain and bitterness: "You'll Despise Yourself." 

That song originally was the link I was about to post here at After Nature when I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Loras College, Tenure Track. Some insane imposter with an alternate fake identity duped you all and I was collateral damage. It was that stupid Medievalist who called and tried to assassinate me.  Well, your shot missed, bitch.

To the slimey internet-blog Wizard, the "Kingpin" of the Speculative Realism© so-called "movement":

Here is my break-out post, which you linked. (It originally had a different title.) Many years later, I said my piece in the BOOK I wrote (you weren't in it, but look how I'm in a book with you)... It's dead on arrival and you can't maintain or resurrect the dead. Your relevance? Zero. Ironic, considering the publisher. lol.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

quote of the day (Ernst Junger 'Maxima Minima' 1964 - Part One)

"On methodology. The necessity of the eye’s search for twilight. The sunset rises elsewhere. Characterologically: one is an optimist or a pessimist. Optimism can also change, through radiation..."

"What is “world revolution”? The visible changes are preceded by the less visible, and also the invisible. Already, technology is rising from great depths as a modus vivendi. Mental change prevails over technical, technical over political, and political over strategic. A war can be won politically, before it has begun." 

"Winning and losing lie in the unexpected moves. For this reason alone, one must not lose faith too soon, not even in matters of power."

"A system is already shaken by the evidence that it can be viewed from a different angle – that there are other systems. The new approach shows that the belief, which founds all knowledge, is not yet sufficient and that the search must be continued. The cosmos must not become overpowering; it must deepen to the extent that it grows."

"The best point of view is that of the outsider. He who depicts must be inside and outside at the same time. This is made possible by differences of origin...and creates not only the opposing positions between the figures – according to one direction, usually both....He [the Outsider; the Anarch] has the misfortune of being a little less afraid than the others; one who has sung in the fire and comes up with things you don’t want to know."

"Where stupidity reaches degrees that become incomprehensible and exclude conversation, its significance as a phenomenon grows...demonologically....[I]t is to be assumed that very strong powers become active...The same applies to the dwindling of the metaphysical faculty. A loss within the historical landscape remains relative within the larger contexts – the universe is a house that loses nothing. One does not have to hold the place, one has to hold the bench."

"Acceleration is compressed, anticipated time. It heralds long states of rest, pauses in creation."

"The violence of a storm can be anticipated like a foehn or an earthquake. The phenomena are surprising – the avalanches, the covered houses, the spring floods. This does not preclude their underlying meaning from being heard more clearly in the overture. It gives the preliminary forms of the images, the abundance of which confuses in the upwellings."

Friday, May 12, 2023

Two conversations about nature and creativity

 Featuring two theistic naturalists (panentheists), Robert S. Corrington (Drew University) and Robert Cummings Neville (Boston University).  These are two towering figures in the history of American philosophy of religion, philosophical naturalism, and philosophical theology. The conversations in these two videos span discussion of the meaning of nature, theism versus pantheism versus panentheism, creation and creativity, psychoanalysis, panpsychism, Leibniz, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Schelling, Peirce, Tillich, the social and political implications of panentheistic ontologies of nature, and much, much more.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Update to Reading Groups for Academic Year 2022-23


This semester's reading group is on Rescher's Axiogenesis and select readings by William James and John Dewey called "Philosophy of Organism III: Rescher's Axiogenesis and Readings in James and Dewey" running weekly on Fridays.  It's the third reading group in the topic of philosophy of organism which I've done over the years.

It's been decided that for Winter term (Dec 15-Jan 15) to read select chapters from John Dewey's How We Think and Knowing and the Known, focusing on the logic, concepts, and technics of organic consciousness (i.e. inferential reasoning by biological organisms, considering also briefly the philosophy of artificial life).

Spring 2023 will be a reading group called "Logic and Normativity" to coincide with the Logic class I'm teaching, followed by Exophilosophy in the summer (specific readings or philosopher tbd).

Link HERE.